Comparing Two Sample Means in R

Comparing Two Sample Means in R

One can easily compare two sample means in R, as in R language all the classical tests are available in the package stats. There are different comparison tests such as (i) one sample mean test, (ii) two independent sample means test, and (iii) dependent sample test. When population standard deviation is known, or sample size (number of observations in the sample) is large enough ($n\ge 30), tests related to normal distribution are performed.

Data for Two Sample Means

Consider the following data set on the “latent heat of the fusion of ice (cal/gm)” from Rice, 1995.

Method A79.9880.0480.0280.0480.0380.0380.0479.9780.05
Method B80.0279.9479.9879.9779.9780.0379.9579.97

Let us draw boxplots to make a comparison between two these two methods. The comparison will help in checking the assumption of the independent two-sample test.

Note that one can read the data using the scan() function, create vectors, or even read the above data from data files such as *.txt and *.csv. In this tutorial, we assume vectors $A$ and $B$ for method A and method B.

A = c(79.98, 80.04, 80.02, 80.04, 80.03, 80.03, 80.04, 79.97, 80.05, 80.03, 80.02, 80.00, 80.02)
B = c(80.02, 79.94, 79.98, 79.97, 79.97, 80.03, 79.95, 79.97)

Draw a Boxplot of Samples

Let us draw boxplots for each method that indicate the first group tends to give higher results than the second one.

boxplot(A, B)
Comparing Two Sample Means in R

Comparing Two Sample Means in R using t.test() Function

The unpaired t-test (independent two-sample test) for the equality of the means can be done using the function t.test() in R Language.

t.test(A, B)
t.test in R Language

From the results above, one can see that the p-value = 0.006939 is less than 0.05 (level of significance) which means that on average both methods are statistically different from each other with reference to latent heat of fusion of ice.

Testing the Equality of Variances of Samples

Note that, the R language does not assume the equality of variances in the two samples. However, the F-test can be used to check/test the equality in the variances, provided that the two samples are from normal populations.

var.test(A, B)
Testing the equality of variances in R

From the above results, there is no evidence that the variances of both samples are statistically significant, as the p-value is greater than the 0.05 level of significance. It means that one can use the classical t-test that assumes the equality of the variances.

t.test(A, B, var.equa. = TRUE)

## Output
        Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  A and B
t = 3.2499, df = 12.027, p-value = 0.006939
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.01385526 0.07018320
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
 80.02077  79.97875

Statistical Power Analysis in R: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to Power Analysis

The post is about statistical power analysis in R. First, define the meaning of power in statistics. The power is the probability ($1-\beta$) of detecting an effect given that the effect is here. Power is the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false.

Suppose, a simple study of a drug-A and a placebo. Let the drug be truly effective. The power is the probability of finding a difference between two groups (drug-A and placebo group). Imagine that a power of $1-\beta=0.8$ (having a power of 0.8 means that 80% of the time, there will be statistically significant differences between the drug-A and the placebo group, whereas there are 20% of the time, the statistically significant effect will not be obtained between two groups). Also, note that this study was conducted many times. Therefore, the probability of a Type-II error is $\beta=0.2$.

One-Sample Power

The following plot is for a one-sample one-tailed greater than t-test. In the graph below, let the null hypothesis $H_0:\mu = \mu_0$ be true, and the test statistic $t$ follows the null distribution indicated by the hashed area. Under the specific alternative hypothesis, $H_1:\mu = \mu_1$, the test statistic $t$ follows the distribution shown by solid area.

The $\alpha$ is the probability of making a type-I error (that is rejecting $H_0$ when it is true), and the “crit. Val” is the location of the $t_{crit}$ value associated with $H_0$ on the scale of the data. The rejection region is the area under $H_0$ at least as far as $crit. val.” is from $\mu_0$.

The test’s power ($1-\beta$) is the green area, the area under $H_1$ in the rejection region. A type-II error is made when $H_1$ is true, but we fail to reject $H_0$ in the red region.

Type-II Error and Power Analysis in R

#One Sample Power

x <- seq(-4, 4, length = 1000)
hx <- dnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1)

plot(x, hx, type = "n", xlim = c(-4, 8), ylim = c(0, 0.5),
     main = expression (paste("Type-II Error (", beta, ") and Power (", 1 - beta, ")")), 
     axes = FALSE)

# one-tailed shift
shift = qnorm (1 - 0.05, mean=0, sd = 1 )*1.7
xfit2 = x + shift
yfit2 = dnorm(xfit2, mean=shift, sd = 1 )

axis (1, at = c(-qnorm(0.05), 0, shift), labels = expression("crit. val.", mu[0], mu[1]))
axis(1, at = c(-4, 4 + shift), labels = expression(-infinity, infinity), 
     lwd = 1, lwd.tick = FALSE)

# The alternative hypothesis area 
# the red - underpowered area

lb <- min(xfit2)               # lower bound
ub <- round(qnorm(0.95), 2)    # upper bound
col1 = "#CC2222"

i <- xfit2 >= lb & xfit2 <= ub
polygon(c(lb, xfit2[i], ub), c(0, yfit2[i],0), col = col1)

# The green area where the power is
col2 = "#22CC22"
i <- xfit2 >= ub
polygon(c(ub, xfit2[i], max(xfit2)), c(0, yfit2[i], 0), col = col2)

# Outline the alternative hypothesis
lines(xfit2, yfit2, lwd = 2)

# Print null hypothesis area
col_null = "#AAAAAA"
polygon (c(min(x), x, max(x)), c(0, hx, 0), col = col_null,
         lwd = 2, density = c(10, 40), angle = -45, border = 0)

lines(x, hx, lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", col=col_null)

axis(1, at = (c(ub, max(xfit2))), labels = c("", expression(infinity)), col = col2,
     lwd = 1, lwd.tick = FALSE)

legend("topright", inset = 0.015, title = "Color", 
       c("Null Hypothesis", "Type-II error", "Power"), fill = c(col_null, col1, col2), 
       angle = -45, density = c(20, 1000, 1000), horiz = FALSE)

abline(v=ub, lwd=2, col="#000088", lty = "dashed")
arrows(ub, 0.45, ub+1, 0.45, lwd=3, col="#008800")
arrows(ub, 0.45, ub-1, 0.45, lwd=3, col="#880000")
Type-II Error and Power Analysis in R
Frequently Asked Questions About R: Power Analysis in R

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Statistics and Data Analysis

Mean Comparison Tests: Hypothesis Testing (One Sample and Two Sample)

Here we learn some basics about how to perform Mean Comparison Tests: hypothesis testing for one sample test, two-sample independent test, and dependent sample test. We will also learn how to find the p-values for a certain distribution such as t-distribution, and critical region values. We will also see how to perform one-tailed and two-tailed hypothesis tests.

How to Perform One-Sample t-Test in R

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal reported that the 30-year mortgage rate is now less than 6%. A sample of eight small banks in the Midwest revealed the following 30-year rates (in percent)

At the 0.01 significance level (probability of type-I error), can we conclude that the 30-year mortgage rate for small banks is less than 6%?

Manual Calculations for One-Sample t-Test and Confidence Interval

One sample mean comparison test can be performed manually.

# Manual way
X <- c(4.8, 5.3, 6.5, 4.8, 6.1, 5.8, 6.2, 5.6)
xbar <- mean(X)
s <- sd(X)
mu = 6
n = length(X)
df = n - 1 
tcal = (xbar - mu)/(s/sqrt(n) )
c(xbar - qt(0.995, df = df) * s/sqrt(n), xbar + qt(0.995, df = df) * s/sqrt(n))
Mean Comparison Tests: One sample Confidence Interval

Critical Values from t-Table

# Critical Value for Left Tail
qt(0.01, df = df, lower.tail = T)
# Critical Value for Right Tail
qt(0.99, df = df, lower.tail = T)
# Critical Vale for Both Tails
qt(0.995, df = df)

Finding p-Values

# p-value (altenative is less)
pt(tcal, df = df)
# p-value (altenative is greater)
1 - pt(tcal, df = df)
# p-value (alternative two tailed or not equal to)
2 * pt(tcal, df = df)

Performing One-Sample Confidence Interval and t-test Using Built-in Function

One can perform one sample mean comparison test using built-in functions available in the R Language.

# Left Tail test
t.test(x = X, mu = 6, alternative = c("less"), conf.level = 0.99)
# Right Tail test
t.test(x = X, mu = 6, alternative = c("greater"), conf.level = 0.99)
# Two Tail test
t.test(x = X, mu = 6, alternative = c("two.sided"), conf.level = 0.99)

How to Perform two-Sample t-Test in R

Consider we have two samples stored in two vectors $X$ and $Y$ as shown in R code. We are interested in the Mean Comparison Test among two groups of people regarding (say) their wages in a certain week.

X = c(70, 82, 78, 70, 74, 82, 90)
Y = c(60, 80, 91, 89, 77, 69, 88, 82)

Manual Calculations for Two-Sample t-Test and Confidence Interval

The manual calculation for two sample t-tests as mean comparison test is as follows.

nx = length(X)
ny = length(Y)
xbar = mean(X)
sx = sd(X)
ybar = mean(Y)
sy = sd(Y)
df = nx + ny - 2
# Pooled Standard Deviation/ Variance 
SP = sqrt( ( (nx-1) * sx^2 + (ny-1) * sy^2) / df )
tcal = (( xbar - ybar ) - 0) / (SP *sqrt(1/nx + 1/ny))
# Confidence Interval
LL <- (xbar - ybar) - qt(0.975, df)* sqrt((SP^2 *(1/nx + 1/ny) ))
UL <- (xbar - ybar) + qt(0.975, df)* sqrt((SP^2 *(1/nx + 1/ny) ))
c(LL, UL)

Finding p-values

# The p-value at the left-hand side of Critical Region 
pt(tcal, df ) 
# The p-value for two-tailed Critical Region 
2 * pt(tcal, df ) 
# The p-value at the right-hand side of Critical Region 
1 - pt(tcal, df)

Finding Critical Values from t-Table

# Left Tail
qt(0.025, df = df, lower.tail = T)
# Right Tail
qt(0.975, df = df, lower.tail = T)
# Both tails
qt(0.05, df = df)

Performing Two-Sample Confidence Interval and T-test using Built-in Function

One can perform two sample mean comparison test using built-in functions in R Language.

# Left Tail test
t.test(X, Y, alternative = c("less"), var.equal = T)
# Right Tail test
t.test(X, Y, alternative = c("greater"), var.equal = T)
# Two Tail test
t.test(X, Y, alternative = c("two.sided"), var.equal = T)

Note if $X$ and $Y$ variables are from a data frame then perform the two-sample t-test using the formula symbol (~). Let’s first make the data frame from vectors $X$ and $$Y.

data <- data.frame(values = c(X, Y), group = c(rep("A", nx), rep("B", ny)))
t.test(values ~ group, data = data, alternative = "less", var.equal = T)
t.test(values ~ group, data = data, alternative = "greater", var.equal = T)
t.test(values ~ group, data = data, alternative = "two.side", var.equal = T)
Frequently Asked Questions About R
Mean Comparison Test in R

To understand probability distributions functions in R click the link: Probability Distributions in R

MCQs in Statistics