Logical Vectors in R: A Quick Guide

The logical vectors in R Language are the vectors whose elements are TRUE, FALSE, or NA (Not Available). R language allows the easy manipulation of logical (or relational) quantities. The TRUE and FALSE values are often used to represent the conditions or Boolean expressions.

In R, the reserved words TRUE and FALSE are often abbreviated as T and F, respectively. However, the T and F are not reserved words and hence can be overwritten by the user. Therefore, instead of T and F; it is better to use TRUE and FALSE.

Logical vectors in R can be created by:

  • Direct assignment of TRUE and FALSE values to the elements of a vector
  • By using conditions (use of logical or comparison operators) on elements of the vectors. (Operators in R Language)
  • Using ifelse statement

Creating Logical Vectors in R Using Direct Assignment

v1 <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
## Output

Creating Logical Vectors using Comparison Operators

x <- 5
y <- 10
v2 <- x > y
## Output
Logical Vectors in R using Comparison Operators
data <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
v3 <- data < 3
## Output
Logical Vectors in R

Creating Logical Vectors using ifelse Statement

The ifelse statement can also be used to create/generate logical vectors in R Language. For example,

data <- c(3, 4, 6, 8, 4, 4, 6, 10, -5)
v4 <- ifelse(data > 5, TRUE, FALSE)

## Output

From the above examples, the logical vectors are usually generated by conditions. The length of the logical vector will be the same as that of the vectors to which the condition is applied. Depending on the condition, the corresponding elements result in FALSE if the element of the vectors does not meet the condition specified and TRUE where it is.

Logical Operators

The following is the list of logical operators

Logical OperatorShort Description
<Less than
>Greater than
<=Less than or Equal to
>=Greater than or Equal to
==Exactly Equal to
!=Not Equal to

In addition to logical operators, the relational/logical operators are:

OperatorShort Description
& (and)It takes two logical values and returns TRUE only if both values are TRUE themselves
| (or)It takes two logical values and returns TRUE if just one value is TRUE.
! (not)It negates the logical value it’s used on

Use of Logical Operators

Filtering Data

The logical vectors in R language are commonly used for filtering the data. For example,

data <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), y = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
filtered_data <- data[data$x > 3, ]
Logical Vectors in R: Filtering Data

Ordinary Arithmetic

Logical vectors may be used in ordinary arithmetic, in which case they are coerced into numeric vectors, FALSE becoming 0 and TRUE becoming. For example,

y = c(5, 10, 6, 15)

## Output
[1]  6 10  6 16

## Output
[1] 2

Logical vectors in R language are a fundamental tool for working with conditions and Boolean expressions. Understanding how to create, manipulate, and use logical vectors is essential for effective data analysis and programming in R.

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Vector Arithmetic in R: Made Easy 2024

The post is about vector arithmetic in R Language. In R, different mathematical operations can be performed on vectors, that is vectors can be used in arithmetic expressions. The vector arithmetic operations are performed element by element.

It is important to note that vectors occurring in the same mathematical expression need not be of the same length (size). The shorter vectors in the arithmetic expression are recycled until they match the length of the longest vector.

Vector Arithmetic Operations

The vector arithmetic operations can be performed using arithmetic operators and vector functions. The +, -, *, /, and ^ are elementary arithmetic operators. The arithmetic functions are also available, such as, log, exp, sin, cos, tan, sqrt, and so on. The max() and min() functions returns the largest and smallest elements of a vector, respectively. Similarly, the range() function results in a vector of length two having minimum and maximum values from the vector, that is, c(min(x), max(x)).

The length(x) function returns the number of elements (size or number of observations) in a vector say $x$, sum(x) gives the total (sum) of the elements in vector $x$, and prod(x) returns the product of elements.

Instead of performing simple arithmetics (+, -, *, and /), we will use some functions for arithmetic that can be performed on a vector.

Vector Arithmetic in R: Examples

The basic vector arithmetic in R can be performed just like adding numbers on a calculator.

x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
y <- c(4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

# Addition
x + y

# Subtraction
x - y

# Multiplication
x * y

# Division
x / y

# Exponentiation
x ^ y

One can compute the average (mean value) of a vector by performing arithmetics on a vector, such as

x <- c(5, 10, 5, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 3, 10)
sum(x)/ length(x)

## Output

The built-in function for the computation of the average value of a vector is mean(), that is mean(x).


## output

The variance can also be computed by performing arithmetics on a vector say $x$.

sum((x - mean(x))^2)/ (length(x)-1)

## Output
Vector Arithmetic in R Language

The built-in function for sample variance is var(x). Note that if the argument var() is a $n$-by-$p$ matrix, a $p$-by-$p$ matrix of the sample covariance matrix will return.


## Output

The sort(x) function returns a vector of the same size as $x$ with the elements arranged in increasing order.


## Output
[1]  3  3  4  5  5  5  6  7  8 10 10

The min() and max() functions are used to select the smallest and largest values from the argument, even if the argument contains several vectors.

In summary, Vector arithmetic is a fundamental aspect of R programming, enabling efficient and concise mathematical operations on sequences of elements. By understanding the basic operations, vector recycling, and available functions, you can effectively leverage vectors to solve a wide range of problems in data analysis and scientific computing.

https://rfaqs.com vector arithme5ics

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Best MCQs Graph Plotting in R 17

The post is about MCQs Graph Plotting in R Language. There are 20 multiple-choice questions. The quiz covers the topics related to graphics devices in R Language, base and lattice graphics systems in R, the ggplot2 function, and parameters of different plot functions. Let us start with MCQs Graph Plotting in R Language.

The quiz is about Graphing and Plotting in R Language

1. Bitmapped file formats can be most useful for


2. The following code creates a scatterplot of ‘votes’ and ‘rating’ from the movies dataset in the ggplot2 package. After loading the ggplot2 package with the library() function, I can run

qplot(votes, rating, data = movies)

How can I modify the code above to add a smoother to the scatterplot?


3. Which function opens the screen graphics device on Windows?


4. Which of the following is a basic workhorse function of ggplot2?


5. Which of the following functions is typically used to add elements to a plot in the base graphics system?


6. What is ggplot2 an implementation of?


7. Which of the following is the example of a vector graphics device in R?


8. When I run the following code I get an error:

I was expecting a scatterplot of ‘votes’ and ‘rating’ to appear. What’s the problem?


9. What does the gg in ggplot2 stand for?


10. Under the lattice graphics system, what do the primary plotting functions like xyplot() and bwplot() return?


11. In the lattice system, which of the following functions can be used to finely control the appearance of all lattice plots?


12. Which function opens the screen graphics device for the Mac?


13. Transparency is determined by which parameter of the rgb function?


14. What is a geom in the ggplot2 system?


15. Which types of the plot does qplot plot?


16. If I want to save a plot to a PDF file, which of the following is the correct way of doing that


17. What does the ‘pch’ option to par() control?


18. Which of the following is an example of a valid graphics device in R?


19. The following code does NOT result in a plot appearing on the screen device.

p <- xyplot(Ozone ~ Wind | factor(Month), data = airquality)

Which of the following is an explanation for why no plot appears?


20. Which of the following is an R package that provides color palettes for sequential, categorical, and diverging data?


MCQs Graph Plotting in R

  • Which of the following is an example of a valid graphics device in R?
  • Which of the following is the example of a vector graphics device in R?
  • Bitmapped file formats can be most useful for
  • Which of the following functions is typically used to add elements to a plot in the base graphics system?
  • Which function opens the screen graphics device on Windows?
  • What does the ‘pch’ option to par() control?
  • If I want to save a plot to a PDF file, which of the following is the correct way of doing that
  • Which function opens the screen graphics device for the Mac?
  • What does the gg in ggplot2 stand for?
  • Under the lattice graphics system, what do the primary plotting functions like xyplot() and bwplot() return?
  • Which of the following is a basic workhorse function of ggplot2?
  • Which types of the plot does qplot plot?
  • Transparency is determined by which parameter of the rgb function?
  • Which of the following is an R package that provides color palettes for sequential, categorical, and diverging data?
  • The following code does NOT result in a plot appearing on the screen device.
    p <- xyplot(Ozone ~ Wind | factor(Month), data = airquality)
    Which of the following is an explanation for why no plot appears?
  • In the lattice system, which of the following functions can be used to finely control the appearance of all lattice plots?
  • What is ggplot2 an implementation of?
  • What is a geom in the ggplot2 system?
  • When I run the following code I get an error: I was expecting a scatterplot of ‘votes’ and ‘rating’ to appear. What’s the problem?
  • The following code creates a scatterplot of ‘votes’ and ‘rating’ from the movies dataset in the ggplot2 package. After loading the ggplot2 package with the library() function, I can run qplot(votes, rating, data = movies)
    How can I modify the code above to add a smoother to the scatterplot?
Learn R Language and FAQS, MCQs Graph plotting in R

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