The post is about Lists in R Language. It is in the form of questions and answers for creating lists, updating and removing the elements of a list, and manipulating the elements of Listsin R Language.
Table of Contents
What are Lists in R Language?
Lists in R language are the objects that contain elements of different data types such as strings, numbers, vectors, and other lists inside the list. A list can contain a matrix or a function as its elements. The list is created using the list()
function in R. In other words, a list is a generic vector containing other objects. For example, in the code below, the variable $X$ contains copies of three vectors, n, s, b, and a numeric value 3.
n = c(2, 3, 5) s = c("a", "b", "c", "d") b = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) # create an ex that contains copies of n, s, b, and value 3 x = list(n, s, b, 3)
Explain How to Create a List in R Language
Let us create a list that contains strings, numbers, and logical values. for example,
data <- list("Green", "Blue", c(5, 6, 7, 8), TRUE, 17.5, 15:20) print(data)
The print(data)
will result in the following output.
How to Access Elements of the Lists in R Language?
To answer this, let us create a list first, that contains a vector, a list, and a matrix.
data <- list(c("Feb","Mar","Apr"), 13.4, matrix(c(3,9,5,1,-2,8), nrow = 2))
Now let us give names to the elements of the list created above and stored in the data variable.
names(data) <- c("Months", "Value", "Matrix") data ## Output $Months [1] "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" $Value [1] 13.4 $Matrix [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 3 5 -2 [2,] 9 1 8
To access the first element of a list by name or by index, one can type the following command.
# access the first element of the list data[1] #or print(data[1]) data$Months ## Output $Months [1] "Feb" "Mar" "Apr"
Similarly, to access the third element, use the command
# access the third element of the list data[3] #or print(data[3]) #or data[[3]] data$Matrix ## Output $Months [1] "Feb" "Mar" "Apr"
How Elements of the List are Manipulated in R?
To add an element at the end of the list, use the command
data[4] <- "New List Element(s)"
To remove the element of a list use
# Remove the first element of a list data[1] <- NULL
To update certain elements of a list
data[2] = "Updated Element"