Curvilinear Regression in R: A Quick Reference

Introduction to Curvilinear Regression in R Language

In this post, we will learn about some basics of curvilinear regression in R.

The curvilinear/non-linear regression analysis is used to determine if there is a non-linear trend exists between $X$ and $Y$.

Adding more parameters to an equation results in a better fit to the data. A quadratic and cubic equation will always have higher $R^2$ than the linear regression model. Similarly, a cubic equation will usually have higher $R^2$ than a quadratic one.

Logarithmic and Polynomial Relationships

The logarithmic relationship can be described as follows:
$$Y=m\, log(x)++c$$
the polynomial relationship can be described as follows:
$$Y=m_1x + m_2x^2 + m_3x^3 + m_nx^n + c$$

The logarithmic example is more akin to a simple regression, whereas the polynomial example is multiple regression. Logarithmic relationships are common in the natural world; you may encounter them in many circumstances. Drawing the relationships between response and predictor variables as a scatter plot is generally a good starting point.

Consider the following data that are related in a curvilinear form,


Performing Curvilinear Regression in R

Let us perform a curvilinear regression in R language.

Growth <- c(2, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 17, 18, 20)
Nutrient <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 22, 28, 30, 36, 48)
data <-, Nutrient))

ggplot(data, aes(Nutrient, Growth) ) +
  geom_point() +
Curvilinear Regression in R

The Scatter plot shows the relationship appears to be a logarithmic one.

Linear Regression in R

Let us carry out a linear regression using the lm() function by taking the $\log$ of the predictor variable rather than the basic variable itself.

data <- cbind(Growth, Nutrient)
mod  <- lm(Growth~log(Nutrient, data))


lm(formula = Growth ~ log(Nutrient), data = data)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.2274 -0.9039  0.5400  0.9344  1.3097 
              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)     0.6914     1.0596   0.652     0.53    
log(Nutrient)   5.1014     0.3858  13.223 3.36e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 1.229 on 9 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.951,     Adjusted R-squared:  0.9456 
F-statistic: 174.8 on 1 and 9 DF,  p-value: 3.356e-07

FAQS about Curvilinear Regression in R

  1. Write in detail about curvilinear regression models.
  2. How visually one can guess the curvilinear relationship between the response and predictor variable?
  3. What may be the consequences, if a curvilinear relationship is estimated using a simple linear regression model?

Learn about Performing Linear Regression in R

Learn Statistics

R Basics Online Quiz 7

R Basics Online Quiz: The R language is a free and open-source language developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in 1991 at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The R Language is used for statistical computing and graphics to clean, analyze, and graph your data. Let us start with the R Basics Online Quiz.

This quiz is about R Basics, covering the topics of R sequence operator, R objects, R Environment, and many more.

1. R is an _____________ programming language


2. The file “.RData” in the current R session is


3. R Language functionality is divided into a number of ________


4. Which of the following software is used for statistical analysis in R


5. ___________ developed R language


6. What type of plot will the following code create?
ggplot(data = penguins) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g))


7. The ______________ is your current R working environment that includes user-defined objects


8. Which of the following functions can a data analyst use to get a statistical summary of their dataset?


9. GUI stands for


10. Factors in R, are used to represent the


11. In R, an object name cannot start with


12. What does CRAN stand for _________ ?


13. R was named partly after the first names of _____________ R authors?


14. In ggplot2, you can use the __________ function to specify the data frame to use for your plot.


15. Which of the following describes R Language best


16. A data analyst inputs the following command:
quartet %>% group_by(set) %>% summarize(mean(x), sd(x), mean(y), sd(y), cor(x, y)).

Which of the functions in this command can help them determine how strongly related their variables are?


17. The R console is a tool that is used to write (insert) standard


18. A data analyst wants to create the date February 27th, 2027 using the lubridatefunctions. Which of the following are examples of code that would create this value?


19. A sequence of integer values can be created using the operator


20. In 1991 R Language was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in the Department of Statistics at the University of ____________.


Frequently Asked Questions About R
R Basics Online Quiz

R Basics Online Quiz with Answers

  • A sequence of integer values can be created using the operator
  • R is an ———— programming language
  • The ———— is your current R working environment that includes user-defined objects
  • Which of the following software is used for statistical analysis in R
  • R was named partly after the first names of ———— R authors.
  • The R console is a tool that is used to write (insert) standard
  • In R, an object name cannot start with
  • The file “.RData” in the current R session is
  • Which of the following describes R Language best
  • R Language functionality is divided into a number of ————
  • GUI stands for
  • What does CRAN stand for ————?
  • In 1991 R Language was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in the Department of Statistics at the University of ————.
  • ———— developed R language
  • Factors in R, are used to represent the
  • Which of the following functions can a data analyst use to get a statistical summary of their dataset?
  • A data analyst inputs the following command: quartet %>% group_by(set) %>% summarize(mean(x), sd(x), mean(y), sd(y), cor(x, y)). Which of the functions in this command can help them determine how strongly related their variables are?
  • In ggplot2, you can use the ———— function to specify the data frame to use for your plot.
  • What type of plot will the following code create? ggplot(data = penguins) + geom_point(mapping = aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g))
  • A data analyst wants to create the date February 27th, 2027 using the lubridate functions. Which of the following are examples of code that would create this value?

MCQs General Knowledge

MCQs in Statistics

Important Quiz R Programming Debug 6

The article is about “Quiz R Programming” which covers different aspects of debugging a function’s execution. Let us start with the Quiz R Programming Debug.

Please go to Important Quiz R Programming Debug 6 to view the test

Debugging is an essential skill in programming, including R programming. In R Programming Language, the debug() function in R allows the user to step through the function’s execution, line by line. At any point, we can print out values of variables or produce a graph of the results within the function.

MCQs Quiz R Programming Debug

Quiz R Programming with Answers

  • Debugging is the process of
  • Which of the following functions initiates an interactive debugging environment that allows you to step through code one expression at a time?
  • Which of the following functions allows you to temporarily insert pieces of code into other functions to modify their behavior?
  • What does the traceback() function do?
  • When should the traceback() function be called?
  • What does calling trace(“f”) for function “f( )” do
  • What is the microbenchmark package useful for?
  • What does the Rprof( ) function do?
  • What does the profvis( ) function do?
  • Which function is better for analyzing fast-running functions: profvis( ) or microbenchmark( )?
  • In R, what includes reusable functions and documentation about how to use the functions?
  • What is the name of the popular package archive dedicated to supporting R users’ authentic, validated code?
  • You want to create a vector with the values 21, 12, 39, in that exact order. After specifying the variable, what R code chunk lets you create the vector?
  • You are compiling an analysis of the average monthly costs for your company. What summary statistic function should you use to calculate the average?
  • You are working with a large data frame. It contains so many columns that they don’t all fit on the screen simultaneously. You want a quick list of all the column names to understand better what is in their data. What function should they use?
  • Where in RStudio can you find the export menu for saving plots?
  • Which of the following files in R have names that follow widely accepted naming convention rules?
  • You want to store a vector in a variable. What type of operator would you use to do this?  
  • You want to create functions, documentation, sample data sets, and code tests they can share and reuse in other projects. What should you create to help them accomplish this?  
  • A data analyst wants a high-level summary of the structure of their data frame, including the column names, the number of rows and variables, and the type of data within a given column. What function should they use?

Statistics and Data Analysis

Online Quiz Website with Answers