Python Data Structure Quiz 8

The post is about an Online Python Data Structure Quiz with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering list, set, dictionary, tuple, and operations on these data structures. Let us start with the Python Data Structure Quiz now.

Online Python Data Structure Quiz with Answers

Online Python Data Structure Quiz with Answers

1. Consider the tuple A=((11,12),[21,22]), which contains a tuple and list. What is the result of the following operation A[0][1]?


2. Consider the tuple A=((1),[2,3],[4]), that contains a tuple and list. What is the result of the following operation A[2]?


3. What are the keys of the following dictionary? {"a":1,"b":2}


4. If A is a list, what does the following syntax do? B=A[:]


5. Consider the set: V={'A','B'}, what is the result of V.add('C')?


6. Consider the following list: A=["hard rock",10,1.2] What will list A contain after the following command is run? del(A[1])


7. What is the result of the following operation? {‘a’,’b’} &{‘a’}


8. Examine the tuple A=((11,12),[21,22]), which involves a tuple and list. What is the outcome of the following operation A[1]?


9. Which of the following is the correct syntax to extract the keys of a dictionary as a list?


10. Consider the following Python Dictionary: Dict={"A":1,"B":"2","C":[3,3,3],"D":(4,4,4),'E':5,'F':6}
What will be the outcome of the following operation? Dict["D"]


11. Examine the tuple A=((1),[2,3],[4]), that involves a tuple and list. What is the outcome of the following operation A[2][0]?


12. What is the result of the following? len(("disco",10))


13. The variable release_year_dict is a Python dictionary. What is the outcome of applying the following method? release_year_dict.values()


14. Which of the following is a standard tool or language that can be used to clean and split data into load files?


15. After operating A.append([2,3,4,5]), what will be the length of the list A = [1]?


16. What method do you use to add an element to a set?


17. If L = [‘c’, ‘d’], then the output of the statement `L.append([‘a’, ‘b’])` is:


18. What does the following function return? len([sum([1,1,1])])


19. Consider the following set: {“A”, “A”}, what will the result be when you create the set?


20. The method append does the following:


Online Python Data Structure Quiz with Answers

  • Which of the following is a standard tool or language that can be used to clean and split data into load files?
  • After operating A.append([2,3,4,5]), what will be the length of the list A = [1]?
  • What are the keys of the following dictionary? {“a”:1,”b”:2}
  • Consider the following Python Dictionary: Dict={“A”:1,”B”:”2″,”C”:[3,3,3],”D”:(4,4,4),’E’:5,’F’:6} What will be the outcome of the following operation? Dict[“D”]
  • Which of the following is the correct syntax to extract the keys of a dictionary as a list?
  • Consider the following set: {“A”, “A”}, what will the result be when you create the set?
  • What method do you use to add an element to a set?
  • What is the result of the following operation? {‘a’,’b’} &{‘a’}
  • Examine the tuple A=((11,12),[21,22]), which involves a tuple and list. What is the outcome of the following operation A[1]?
  • Consider the tuple A=((11,12),[21,22]), which contains a tuple and list. What is the result of the following operation A[0][1]?
  • Consider the tuple A=((1),[2,3],[4]), that contains a tuple and list. What is the result of the following operation A[2]?
  • Examine the tuple A=((1),[2,3],[4]), that involves a tuple and list. What is the outcome of the following operation A[2][0]?
  • The method append does the following:
  • If L = [‘c’, ‘d’], then the output of the statement L.append([‘a’, ‘b’]) is:
  • Consider the following list: A=[“hard rock”,10,1.2] What will list A contain after the following command is run? del(A[1])
  • If A is a list, what does the following syntax do? B=A[:]
  • What is the result of the following? len((“disco”,10))
  • The variable release_year_dict is a Python dictionary. What is the outcome of applying the following method? release_year_dict.values()
  • Consider the set: V={‘A’,’B’}, what is the result of V.add(‘C’)?
  • What does the following function return? len([sum([1,1,1])])

Statistics and Data Analysis

Python Basics MCQs 7

The post is about Python Basics MCQs with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering topics related to the basics of Python, data types, strings, tuples, lists, and different operations. Let us start with the Online Python Basics MCQs with Answers.

Online Python Basics MCQs with Answers
Please go to Python Basics MCQs 7 to view the test

Online Python Basics MCQs with Answers

  • What is the data type of the entity 43?
  • What is the result of the following: int(3.99)?
  • What is the result of the operation: 11//2
  • What is the value of x after the following is run: x=4 x=x/2
  • Which line of code will act as required for implementing the following equation? $y =2x^2 − 3$
  • What is the output of the following code segment? type(int(12.3))
  • What is the output of the following code segment? int(False)
  • In Python, what is the output of the following operation? ‘5’+’6′
  • What is the output of the following? ‘hello’.upper()
  • What is the output of the following? str(1+1)
  • What is the output of the following? “ABC”.replace(“AB”, “ab”)
  • In Python 3, what data type does variable x hold after the operation: x = 1/1?
  • What data type does 3.12323 represent?
  • For the string “Fun Python” stored in a variable $x$, what will be the output of x[0:5]?
  • What data type is represented by “7.1”?
  • Consider the following tuple: say_what=(‘say’,’what’,’you’,’will’)What is the result of the following? say_what[-1]
  • Consider the following tuple A=(1,2,3,4,5). What is the outcome of the following? A[1:4]
  • Consider the following list B=[1,2,[3,’a’],[4,’b’]].  What is the result of B[3][1]?
  • What is the outcome of the following operation? [1,2,3] + [1,1,1]
  • What is the outcome of the following? 1=2

Big Data MCQs Quiz

MCQs Jupyter Notebook Code Editors IDEs

This post is about the Python MCQs Jupyter Notebook Code Editors IDEs Online Test with Answers. It consists of 20 multiple-choice questions about Python IDEs such as Jupyter Notebooks, Visual Code Editor, Anaconda, Google Colab, Jypyter Lab, etc. Let’s start with the Python MCQs Online Test with Answers.

MCQs Jupyter Notebook Code Editors IDEs
Please go to MCQs Jupyter Notebook Code Editors IDEs to view the test

MCQs Jupyter Notebook Code Editors IDEs

  • What functionality is provided by the Jupyter Notebook file to Data Scientists?
  • What is the purpose of the kernel in the Jupyter Notebook?
  • What are the elements of Jupyter Notbook’s architecture?
  • What is the default kernel of JupyterLite?
  • What is the purpose of Anaconda?
  • In which formats can you share a notebook with other users?
  • What is a feature of a JupyterLab?
  • Which option outputs the currently highlighted code cell in Jupyter Notebook?
  • How can you switch the kernel in the Jupyter Notebook?
  • Which of the following can be used to work with Jupyter Notebook?
  • What do you use to convert the ipynb file to other formats?
  • What is one of the features of JupyterLite?
  • What is one of the features of Google Colab?
  • Which environment is used for creating and modifying Jupyter Notebooks on a local device?
  • How can you execute Python code in Visual Studio code?
  • Which of the following statements establishes the connection between a Jupyter Notebook SQL extension and an SQLite database ‘EMP.db’?
  • Which two of the following can be stated as uses of cell magic in Jupyter Notebooks?
  • What would be the outcome of the following Python code?
    import sqlite3
    import pandas as pd
    conn = sqlite3.connect(‘HR.db’)
    data = pd.read_csv(‘./employees.csv’)
    data.to_sql(‘Employees’, conn)
  • What would be the correct way to query a database table using Python? Assume that output in any form is acceptable.
  • Which of the following features are provided by Jupyter Notebook in the context of Python programming?

Statistics and Data Analytics