Important Python Quiz with Answers 3

The post is about the Python Quiz with answers. There are 20 Multiple-Choice Questions about Python. The topics covered in the quiz are introduction to Python, Data Structures, Importing and Exporting Files, Control Structures (if statements and loops), and graphical representations of the data. Let us start with the Python Quiz with Answers.

Online Multiple Choice Questions about Python Programming Language

1. Which of the following statements accurately describe NumPy arrays? Select all that apply.


2. Which command will grab the last few rows of a data frame?


3. In Python, what types of data can tuples contain?


4. How can you access a specific element in a list in Python?


5. How do you add an element to a set in Python?


6. In Python, the _____ statement sets a piece of code to run only when the condition of the if statement is false.


7. Which of these for loop statements would error (assume columns as an array)?


8. What defines the body of a decision construct in Python?


9. Which of the following data structures are immutable, meaning that values cannot be changed in place?


10. Which data structure is {'one':1, 'two':2}.


11. What keyword is used to create a function?


12. A ————- is a body of reusable code for performing specific processes or tasks.


13. How can you access the length of a list in Python?


14. How do you print “X is large” if $X$ is greater than 28 in Python?


15. In Python, when does an else statement execute a piece of code?


16. Which of the following are valid keywords for loops in Python?


17. Which Python libraries were used to create the boxplots?


18. How do you access the value of a dictionary key in Python?


19. A pair plot can be created using which Python module uses the pairplot method?


20. Which of these print statements would output an error message in Python?


Python Quiz with Answers

Python Quiz with Answers
  • How can you access the length of a list in Python?
  • Which command will grab the last few rows of a data frame?
  • Which data structure is {‘one’:1, ‘two’:2}.
  • In Python, what types of data can tuples contain?
  • In Python, the ———- statement sets a piece of code to run only when the condition of the if statement is false.
  • In Python, when does an else statement execute a piece of code?
  • A ————- is a body of reusable code for performing specific processes or tasks.
  • Which of these for loop statements would error (assume columns as an array)?
  • Which of these print statements would output an error message in Python?
  • How do you print “X is large” if $X$ is greater than 28 in Python?
  • What defines the body of a decision construct in Python?
  • How do you add an element to a set in Python?
  • How do you access the value of a dictionary key in Python?
  • How can you access a specific element in a list in Python?
  • A pair plot can be created using which Python module uses the pairplot method?
  • Which of the following data structures are immutable, meaning that values cannot be changed in place?
  • Which of the following are valid keywords for loops in Python?
  • What keyword is used to create a function?
  • Which Python libraries were used to create the boxplots?
  • Which of the following statements accurately describe NumPy arrays? Select all that apply.

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