The post is about the “MCQs R Basics Quiz” which will help you check your ability to execute some basic or R Language, RStudio, Jupyter Notebook, and Google Colab. This quiz will help the learner to understand some basic concepts related to R Programming Language. This quiz may also improve your computational understanding, and it will also help you to learn and practice the MCQs R Basics Quiz now.
Online MCQs R Basics Quiz Questions with Answers
Online MCQs R Basics Quiz with Answers
- Which of the following most accurately describes R?
- Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between RStudio and R?
- Which of these is the easiest way to save R code that you write for future use?
- After you finish the trial period, R will cost hundreds of dollars to use, depending on the license you purchase.
- You need to carefully learn and understand all the details about how R works before you start coding.
- Are cheat sheets trustworthy guides for how to use R and RStudio?
- What does this line of code do in R? a <- 2+2
- Will R return a value of true or false if you evaluate this expression? “apple”==”appla”
- What will happen if you try to run this line of code in R? 10variable1 <- c(5, 19, 10, “apple”)
- In R, create the following object: test_vector <- c(“dog”, “fish”, “pig”, “parrot”). After you create the object, what do you get if you then run test_vector[4]?
- What value will this return?
subtract_and_divide <- function(x, y){
x – y
x / y
subtract_and_divide(4, 8) - What happens if you run this code? data.frame(alpha,beta)
- What part of the data frame “states” does this code call? states[15,2]
- Say you have a data frame named “inventory” with 3 rows and two columns, created like this:
home <- c(“computer”, “calculator”, “scanner”)
office <- c(“paper”, “pens”, “pencils”)
inventory <- data.frame(home, office)
What would happen if you ran this code? inventory$annex <- c(“printer”, “stapler”) - How many working directories can you have set simultaneously in an R session?
- Is it easier to import rectangular or non-rectangular data into R?
- You want to access the “Date” column of a data frame called sales_data so you can operate on it. What is the correct way to refer to this column?
- What does the class() function do in R?
- Why is it helpful to be able to use functions like rnorm, rpois, rbinom, and runif?
- What is the easiest way to export a figure you create in RStudio?