MCQS R Package Development 12

MCQs about R Package Development. The quiz also contains questions about git. There are a total of 17 questions and some of the questions have multiple correct answers. Let us start with MCQs R Package Development.

Online MCQs about R Package Development

1. Which of the following files and subdirectories will be included in the initial package directory if you create a new package using the ‘create’ function from ‘devtools’?


2. When a test fails in a call to expect_that(), what happens?


3. What does the ::: operator do?


4. Which of the following files and folders are required in an R package?


5. What is the purpose of the Imports field in the DESCRIPTION file?


6. In which sub-directory of an R package should tests be placed?


7. Which of the following are good reasons for open-sourcing your software?


8. Which of the following statements correctly describes how R functions should be defined with the package directory?


9. What does the is_a() function do in the context of testthat?


10. How is attaching a package namespace different from loading a namespace?


11. For packages that require C code, what should be installed on your system?


12. Which of the following functions from the `devtools` package are you likely to use often, rather than just once per package, when building a package?


13. What is a pull request on GitHub?


14. What is Git?


15. Which of the following are good reasons to build an R Package?


16. What is the purpose of the DESCRIPTION file in a package?


17. The GNU General Public License is called a copyleft license because


MCQs R Package Development with Answers

R FAQS Logo: MCQs R Package Development
  • Which of the following are good reasons to build an R Package?
  • Which of the following files and folders are required in an R package?
  • Which of the following files and subdirectories will be included in the initial package directory if you create a new package using the ‘create’ function from ‘devtools’?
  • Which of the following functions from the devtools package are you likely to use often, rather than just once per package, when building a package?
  • What is the purpose of the DESCRIPTION file in a package?
  • Which of the following statements correctly describes how R functions should be defined with the package directory?
  • How is attaching a package namespace different from loading a namespace?
  • For packages that require C code, what should be installed on your system?
  • What is the purpose of the Imports field in the DESCRIPTION file?
  • Which of the following are good reasons for open-sourcing your software?
  • When a test fails in a call to expect_that(), what happens?
  • What does the is_a() function do in the context of testthat?
  • In which sub-directory of an R package should tests be placed?
  • What is Git?
  • What is a pull request on GitHub?
  • The GNU General Public License is called a copyleft license because
  • What does the ::: operator do?

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