MCQs R Programming Language 2

This quiz “MCQs R Programming Language” will help you to check your ability to execute some basic operations on objects in the R language, and it will also help you to understand some basic concepts. This MCQs R Programming Language Quiz will also improve computational understanding. Let us start with the test “MCQs R Programming Language” with Answers.

Online MCQs about R Programming Language.

1. The R language is a dialect of which of the following programming languages?


2. _________ is a function in R to get the number of observations in a data frame


3. A data analyst writes the code summary(penguins) to display a summary of the penguins dataset. Where in RStudio can the analyst execute the code?


4. If I have two vectors x <- c(1,3, 5) and y <- c(3, 2, 10), what is produced by the expression rbind(x, y)?


5. A data analyst inputs the following calculation in their R programming:
$$basket_1 * 20 + basket_2 * 15 $$
Which arithmetic operators are the analyst using?


6. What is the class of the object defined by the expression x <- c(4, “a”, TRUE)?


7. Suppose I have a vector x <- c(3, 5, 1, 10, 12, 6) and I want to set all elements of this vector that are less than 6 to be equal to zero. What R code achieves this?


8. Suppose I have a list defined as x <- list(2, “a”, “b”, TRUE). What does x[[2]] give me?


9. If I execute the expression x <- 4 in R language, what is the class of the object “x” as determined by the “class()” function?


10. Suppose I have a vector x <- 1:4 and y <- 2:3. What is produced by the expression x + y?


11. What is the benefit of using the R programming language for data analysis?


12. The definition of free software consists of four freedoms (freedoms 0 through 3). Which of the following is NOT one of the freedoms that are part of the definition?


13. What function is used to test the missing observation in a data frame


14. What should you use to assign a value to a variable in R?


15. In R language the following are all atomic data types EXCEPT


16. Which of the following examples can you use in R for date/time data?


17. Which of the following examples is the proper syntax for a function in R?


18. A key property of vectors in R language is that


19. Which of the following statements about RStudio’s integrated development environment are correct?


20. Which of the following statements about RStudio’s integrated development environment are correct?
 MCQs R Programming Language

MCQs R Programming Language 1

  • The R language is a dialect of which of the following programming languages?
  • The definition of free software consists of four freedoms (freedoms 0 through 3). Which of the following is NOT one of the freedoms that are part of the definition?
  • In R language the following are all atomic data types EXCEPT
  • If I execute the expression x <- 4 in R language, what is the class of the object “x” as determined by the “class()” function?
  • What is the class of the object defined by the expression x <- c(4, “a”, TRUE)?
  • If I have two vectors x <- c(1,3, 5) and y <- c(3, 2, 10), what is produced by the expression rbind(x, y)?
  • A key property of vectors in R language is that
  • Suppose I have a list defined as x <- list(2, “a”, “b”, TRUE). What does x[[2]] give me?
  • Suppose I have a vector x <- c(3, 5, 1, 10, 12, 6) and I want to set all elements of this vector that are less than 6 to be equal to zero. What R code achieves this?
  • ____________ is a function in R to get the number of observations in a data frame
  • What function is used to test the missing observation in a data frame
  • Which of the following statements about RStudio’s integrated development environment are correct?
  • Suppose I have a vector x <- 1:4 and y <- 2:3. What is produced by the expression x + y?
  • Which of the following statements about RStudio’s integrated development environment are correct?
  • A data analyst writes the code summary(penguins) to display a summary of the penguins dataset. Where in RStudio can the analyst execute the code?
  • What should you use to assign a value to a variable in R?
  • Which of the following examples is the proper syntax for a function in R?
  • What is the benefit of using the R programming language for data analysis?
  • Which of the following examples can you use in R for date/time data?
  • A data analyst inputs the following calculation in their R programming: $$basket_1 * 20 + basket_2 * 15 $$ Which arithmetic operators are the analyst using?
Learn R Language and FAQS

MCQs General Knowledge

MCQs in Statistics

Best R Language MCQs 1

The post is about “MCQs R Language” which will help you to check your ability to execute some basic operations on objects in the R language and will help in understanding some basic concepts. This quiz may also improve your computational understanding, and it will also help you to learn and practice R language MCQs.

Please go to Best R Language MCQs 1 to view the test

R Language MCQs with Answers

R FAQS Logo: R Language MCQs
  • R is an interpreted language.  It can be accessed through ———–?
  • Who developed R?
  • Many quantitative analysts use R as their ———– tool.
  • R is an ———– programming language?
  • R was named partly after the first names of ———– R authors.
  • Packages are useful in collecting sets into a ———– unit
  • How many types of R objects are present in the R data type?
  • Which of the following is a primary tool for debugging?
  • Which function is used to create the vector with more than one element?
  • In R Language every operation has a ———– call.
  • The ———– in R is a vector.
  • Vectors come in two parts ———– and ———–.
  • ———– and ———– are types of matrices functions?
  • Which of the following commands will find the maximum value in the vector x, excluding the missing values
  • ———– initiates an infinite loop right from the start.
  • ———– command is used to skip an iteration of a loop.
  • In 1991, R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in the Department of Statistics at the University of
  • R is technically much closer to the Scheme language than it is to the original ———– language.
  • R Language functionality is divided into a number of ———–.
R Language MCQs