Important MCQs R Vectors Data Structure 5

This quiz “MCQs R Vectors” covers the topics related to creating different types of vectors in R, vector operations, Functions for vectors, naming, and concatenating vectors in R. Let us start with the Quiz on MCQs R Vectors.

Online MCQs R Language Test

1. A data analyst wants to store a sequence of data elements that all have the same data type in a single variable. What R concept allows them to do this?


2. What is the output of the following R code?
y <- 0:5


3. How can one define ‘undefined value’ in R Language?


4. Which function can you use to create a different plot for each type of cut of diamond?


5. The following command can be used to print an object “x” in R?


6. ________ operator is used to create integer sequences.


7. Which tidyverse package contains a set of functions, such as select(), that help with data manipulation?


8. A data analyst finds the code mdy(10211020) in an R script. What is the year of the date that is created?


9. If a command is incomplete at the end of a line, R will give a different prompt, by default it is _____


10. Which of the following statements about vectors in R is correct?


11. Which tidyverse package is used for data visualization?


12. What is the output of the following R code?
x <- c("a", "b")


13. An analyst is organizing a dataset in RStudio using the following code:
arrange(filter(Storage_1, inventory >= 40), count)
Which of the following examples is a nested function in the code?


14. Identify the wrong statement:


15. What is the output of the following R code?

r <- 0:10


16. Which of the describes R Language best


17. How one can define ‘infinity’ in R Language?


18. What are ggplot2, tidyr, dplyr, and forcats all a part of?


19. A data analyst wants to combine values using mathematical operations. What type of operator would they use to do this?


20. A data analyst inputs the following code in RStudio:
sales_1 <- 100 * sales_2
Which of the following types of operators does the analyst use in the code?


In R Langauge, a vector data type is a fundamental data structure that represents a sequence of elements having the same data type. R Vectors can be of various types, including numeric, character, logical, and more.

MCQs R Vectors Data Structure

MCQs R Vectors

  • The following command can be used to print an object “x” in R.
  • What is the output of the following R code? r <- 0:10 r[2]
  • ________ operator is used to create integer sequences.
  • What is the output of the following R code? y <- 0:5 vector(y) y[3]
  • How can one define ‘infinity’ in R Language? How can one define ‘undefined value’ in R Language?
  • What is the output of the following R code? x <- c(“a”, “b”) as.numeric(x)
  • Identify the wrong statement:
  • If a command is incomplete at the end of a line, R will give a different prompt, by default it is _____
  • Which of the described R Language best
  • Which function can you use to create a different plot for each type of cut of diamond?
  • A data analyst inputs the following code in RStudio: sales_1 <- 100 * sales_2. Which of the following types of operators does the analyst use in the code?
  • What are ggplot2, tidyr, dplyr, and forcats all a part of?
  • Which tidyverse package is used for data visualization?
  • An analyst is organizing a dataset in RStudio using the following code: arrange(filter(Storage_1, inventory >= 40), count)
  • Which of the following examples is a nested function in the code?
  • Which tidyverse package contains a set of functions, such as select(), that help with data manipulation?
  • Which of the following statements about vectors in R is correct?
  • A data analyst finds the code mdy(10211020) in an R script. What is the year of the date that is created?
  • A data analyst wants to combine values using mathematical operations. What type of operator would they use to do this?
  • A data analyst wants to store a sequence of data elements with the same data type in a single variable. What R concept allows them to do this?

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Important MCQs R Language History & Basics 4

The post is about MCQs R Language. The quiz about MCQS R Language covers some basics of R language, its functionality, concepts of packages, and history of R Language.

Please go to Important MCQs R Language History & Basics 4 to view the test

The R language is a free and open-source language developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in 1991 at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The R Language is used for statistical computing and graphics to clean, analyze, and graph your data.

MCQs R Language History and Basics

MCQs R Language History and Basics Online Quiz

  • In which year the R-Core Team was formed?
  • The public version of R released in 2000 was
  • R Runs on the operating system
  • The primary source code copyright for R is held by the
  • R is published under the General Public License version.
  • The “base” R system can be downloaded from
  • The following packages are not contained in the “base” R system.
  • One limitation of R is that its functionality is based on __________.
  • The wrong statement from the following is:
  • R functionality is divided into a number of
  • The primary R system is available from the ________.
  • Which package contains the most fundamental functions to run R?
  • Which of the following is the wrong statement:
  • Which of the following is a “base” package for the R language?
  • Which of the following is a recommended package in R
  • What is the output of getOption(“defaultPackages”) in R Studio?
  • Advanced users of R can write ___________ code to manipulate R objects directly
  • Which of the following is used for Statistical analysis in the R language?
  • Which of the following are examples of variable names that can be used in R?
  • Which of the following are best practices for creating data frames?

The strengths of R programming language lie in its statistical capabilities, data visualization tools (such as ggplot2), and a vast ecosystem of packages contributed by the community. R Language remains a popular choice for statisticians and data scientists working on a wide range of projects.

Basic Statistics and Data Analysis

Best R Language Test 3

This quiz “R Language Test” will help you to check your ability to execute some basic operations on objects in the R language, and it will also help you to understand some basic concepts. This quiz about R Language Test will help you to improve your computational understanding. Let us start with R Language Test Quiz.

Please go to Best R Language Test 3 to view the test

The R language Test covers some looping functions such asapply(), lapply(), mapply(), sapply(), and tapply(). Results from the execution of r codes are also asked. R Language Test

Online R Language Test

  • Which of the following is a base package for the R language?
  • R comes with a to help you optimize your code and improve its performance.
  • The debug( ) flags a function for mode in R mode.
  • A matrix is _________ a dimensional rectangular data set.
  • The function takes a vector or other objects and splits it into groups determined by a factor or list of factors.
  • The lapply( ) function takes arguments
  • ________is used to apply a function over subsets of a vector
  • ________ applies a function over the margins of an array
  • _________ function is the same as lapply( ) __________ loop over a list and evaluate a function on each element
  • Which of the following methods makes a vector of repeated values?
  • Which of the following is used for Statistical analysis in R language?
  • R functionality is divided into a number of
  • Which of the following is an example of a vectorized operation for subtraction operation > x<- 1:4 > y<- 6:9 What would be the output of the following code? > x <- 1:4 > y <- 6:9 > z <- x + y > z
  • What would be the output of the following code? > x <- 1:4 > x > 2
  • What would be the value of the following expression? > log(-1)
  • “An analyst is checking the value of the variable x using a logical operator, so they run the following code:x > 35 & x < 65
    Which values of x would return TRUE when the analyst runs the code? Select all that apply.”
  • When working in R, for which part of the data analysis process do analysts use the tidyr package?
  • Why would a data analyst want to use the CRAN network when working with RStudio?

R Programming Language

Computer MCQs Test Online