Best R Language MCQs 1

The post is about “MCQs R Language” which will help you to check your ability to execute some basic operations on objects in the R language and will help in understanding some basic concepts. This quiz may also improve your computational understanding, and it will also help you to learn and practice R language MCQs.

Online Multiple Choice Questions about R Language

1. Packages are useful in collecting sets into a _____ unit


2. In 1991, R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in the Department of Statistics at the University of


3. Which of the following commands will find the maximum value in the vector x, excluding the missing values


4. R Language functionality is divided into a number of ________


5. Which of the following is a primary tool for debugging?


6. How many types of R objects are present in the R data type?


7. R was named partly after the first names of ____ R authors.


8. Who developed R?


9. Many quantitative analysts use R as their ____ tool.


10. The ____________ in R is a vector.


11. Which function is used to create the vector with more than one element?


12. _________ initiates an infinite loop right from the start.


13. R is technically much closer to the Scheme language than it is to the original _____ language.


14. R is an interpreted language.  It can be accessed through _____________?


15. In R Language every operation has a ______ call.


16. Vectors come in two parts _____ and _____.


17. _________ and _________ are types of matrices functions?


18. _______ command is used to skip an iteration of a loop.


19. R is an __________ programming language?


R Language MCQs with Answers

R FAQS Logo: R Language MCQs
  • R is an interpreted language.  It can be accessed through ———–?
  • Who developed R?
  • Many quantitative analysts use R as their ———– tool.
  • R is an ———– programming language?
  • R was named partly after the first names of ———– R authors.
  • Packages are useful in collecting sets into a ———– unit
  • How many types of R objects are present in the R data type?
  • Which of the following is a primary tool for debugging?
  • Which function is used to create the vector with more than one element?
  • In R Language every operation has a ———– call.
  • The ———– in R is a vector.
  • Vectors come in two parts ———– and ———–.
  • ———– and ———– are types of matrices functions?
  • Which of the following commands will find the maximum value in the vector x, excluding the missing values
  • ———– initiates an infinite loop right from the start.
  • ———– command is used to skip an iteration of a loop.
  • In 1991, R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in the Department of Statistics at the University of
  • R is technically much closer to the Scheme language than it is to the original ———– language.
  • R Language functionality is divided into a number of ———–.
R Language MCQs

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