Backward Deletion Method Step by Step in R

Introduction to Backward Deletion Method

With many predictor variables, one can create the most statistically significant model from the data. There are two main choices: forward stepwise regression and backward deletion method.
In Forward Stepwise Regression: Start with the single best variable and add more variables to build your model into a more complex form.

In Backward Deletion (Backward Selection) Regression: put all the variables in the model and reduce the model by removing variables until you are left with only significant terms.

Backward Deletion method (Step by Step Procedure)

Let’s start with a big model and trim it until you get the best (most statistically significant) regression model. This drop1() command can examine a linear model and determine the effect of removing each one from the existing model. Complete the following steps to perform a backward deletion. Note that the model has different R packages for the Backward and Forward Selection of predictors.

Step 1: (Full Model)

Step 1: To start, create a “full” model (all variables at once in the model). It would be tedious to enter all the variables in the model, one can use the shortcut, the dot notation.

mod <- lm(mpg ~., data = mtcars)

Step 2: Formula Function

Step 2: Let’s use the formula() function to see the response and predictor variables used in Step 1.

Backward Deletion Method

Step 3: Drop1 Function

Step 3: Let’s use the drop1() function to see which term (predictor) should be deleted from the model


Step 4: Remove the Term

Step 4: Look to remove the term with the lowest AIC value. Re-form the model without the variable that is non-significant or has the lowest AIC value. The simplest way to do this is to copy the model formula in the clipboard, paste it into a new command, and edit out the term you do not want

mod1 <- lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars)

Step 5: Examine the Effect

Step 5: Examine the effect of dropping another term by running the drop1() command once more:


If you see any variable having the lowest AIC value, if found, remove the variable and carry out this process repeatedly until you have a model that you are happy with.

FAQS about Backward Deletion Method in R

  1. Write a step-by-step procedure to perform the Backward Deletion Method in r.
  2. How one can examine the effect of dropping the term from the model?
  3. What is the use of the formula function term in lm() model?
  4. What is the use of drop1() function in r?

Learn more about lm() function

Online MCQs Quiz Website

Important MCQs R Vectors Data Structure 5

This quiz “MCQs R Vectors” covers the topics related to creating different types of vectors in R, vector operations, Functions for vectors, naming, and concatenating vectors in R. Let us start with the Quiz on MCQs R Vectors.

Online MCQs R Language Test

1. If a command is incomplete at the end of a line, R will give a different prompt, by default it is _____


2. What are ggplot2, tidyr, dplyr, and forcats all a part of?


3. A data analyst inputs the following code in RStudio:
sales_1 <- 100 * sales_2
Which of the following types of operators does the analyst use in the code?


4. Which tidyverse package is used for data visualization?


5. ________ operator is used to create integer sequences.


6. What is the output of the following R code?

r <- 0:10


7. What is the output of the following R code?
y <- 0:5


8. The following command can be used to print an object “x” in R?


9. What is the output of the following R code?
x <- c("a", "b")


10. Identify the wrong statement:


11. Which of the following statements about vectors in R is correct?


12. A data analyst wants to store a sequence of data elements that all have the same data type in a single variable. What R concept allows them to do this?


13. Which tidyverse package contains a set of functions, such as select(), that help with data manipulation?


14. How can one define ‘undefined value’ in R Language?


15. Which of the describes R Language best


16. A data analyst wants to combine values using mathematical operations. What type of operator would they use to do this?


17. An analyst is organizing a dataset in RStudio using the following code:
arrange(filter(Storage_1, inventory >= 40), count)
Which of the following examples is a nested function in the code?


18. A data analyst finds the code mdy(10211020) in an R script. What is the year of the date that is created?


19. Which function can you use to create a different plot for each type of cut of diamond?


20. How one can define ‘infinity’ in R Language?


In R Langauge, a vector data type is a fundamental data structure that represents a sequence of elements having the same data type. R Vectors can be of various types, including numeric, character, logical, and more.

MCQs R Vectors Data Structure

MCQs R Vectors

  • The following command can be used to print an object “x” in R.
  • What is the output of the following R code? r <- 0:10 r[2]
  • ________ operator is used to create integer sequences.
  • What is the output of the following R code? y <- 0:5 vector(y) y[3]
  • How can one define ‘infinity’ in R Language? How can one define ‘undefined value’ in R Language?
  • What is the output of the following R code? x <- c(“a”, “b”) as.numeric(x)
  • Identify the wrong statement:
  • If a command is incomplete at the end of a line, R will give a different prompt, by default it is _____
  • Which of the described R Language best
  • Which function can you use to create a different plot for each type of cut of diamond?
  • A data analyst inputs the following code in RStudio: sales_1 <- 100 * sales_2. Which of the following types of operators does the analyst use in the code?
  • What are ggplot2, tidyr, dplyr, and forcats all a part of?
  • Which tidyverse package is used for data visualization?
  • An analyst is organizing a dataset in RStudio using the following code: arrange(filter(Storage_1, inventory >= 40), count)
  • Which of the following examples is a nested function in the code?
  • Which tidyverse package contains a set of functions, such as select(), that help with data manipulation?
  • Which of the following statements about vectors in R is correct?
  • A data analyst finds the code mdy(10211020) in an R script. What is the year of the date that is created?
  • A data analyst wants to combine values using mathematical operations. What type of operator would they use to do this?
  • A data analyst wants to store a sequence of data elements with the same data type in a single variable. What R concept allows them to do this?

Learn Basic Statistics and Data Analysis

Reading, Creating, Accessing, and Import Data in R Language

R and Data Analysis, SPSS Data Analysis

Performing Linear Regression in R: A Quick Reference

Introduction to Performing Linear Regression in R

Regression is to build a function of independent variables (also known as predictors, regressors, explanatory variables, and features) to predict a dependent variable (also called a response, target, and regressand). Here we will focus on performing linear regression in R Language.

Linear regression is to predict response with a linear function of predictors as $$y=\beta_0+\beta_1x_1+\beta_2x_2+\cdots + \beta_kx_k,$$ where $x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_k$ are predictors and $y$ is the response to predict.

Before performing the regression analysis it will be very helpful to computer the coefficient of correlation between dependent variable and independent variable and also better to draw the scatter diagram.

Performing Linear Regression in R

Load the mtcars data, and check the data structure using str().


You have data stored in some external file such as CSV, then you can use read.csv() function to load the data in R. To learn about importing data files in R follow the link: Import Data files in R

Let us want to check the impact of weight (wt) on miles per gallon (mpg) and test the significance of the regression coefficient and other statistics to see the goodness of our fitted model

mod <- lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
Performing Linear Regression in R Estimation and Testing

Now look at the objects of results stored in mod


Getting Coefficients and Different Regression Statistics

Let us get the coefficients of the fitted regression model in R


To obtain the confidence intervals of the estimated coefficients, one can use the confint()


Fitted values from the regression model can be obtained by using fitted()


The residuals can be obtained for the regression model using residual() function


One can check the formula used to perform the simple/ multiple regression. It will tell you which variable is used as a response and others as explanatory variables.

formula (mod)

Graphical Representation of Relationship

To graphically visualize the relationship between variables or pairs of variables one can use plot() or pair() functions. Let us draw the scatter diagram between the dependent variable mpg and the explanatory variable wt using the plot() function.

plot(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
Scatter Plot and Performing Linear Regression in R

One can add a best-fitted line to the scatter plot. For this purpose use abline() with an object having the class lm such as mod in this case


There are many other functions and R packages to perform linear regression models in the R Language.

FAQS about Performing Linear Regression Models in R

  1. What is the use of abline() function in R?
  2. How a simple linear regression model can be visualized in R?
  3. How one can obtain fitted/predicted values of the simple linear regression model in R?
  4. Write a command that saves the residuals of lm() model in a variable.
  5. State the step-by-step procedure of performing linear regression in R.

To learn more about the lm() function in R